Why Galatians?

Sunday, we’ll begin a dive into the book of Galatians - an epistle written to churches that were spread across a vast region. Having done a mini series on the fruit of the Spirit just one month ago, why double back?

We can learn from short passages, but greater passages give us greater context, and the fruit of the Spirit are only a small portion of what Paul talked about in Galatians. In fact, it’s not even the the biggest point Paul makes.

Galatians is written to churches who had drifted from orthodoxy so quickly that Paul was astonished. It was as if he had proclaimed the Gospel, walked away, looked over his shoulder and found them adhering to something completely different.

In this season, the message of Galatians feels familiar to us.

Our world feels a little like Galatia right now. We are in a season of accelerated drift, culturally and spiritually. There is often a disconnect between the message of Jesus and the message being proclaimed. The former, which is full of freedom and grace, is centered on Jesus. Sadly, it is being exchanged for one that centers on self and leaves hearts empty. When people are hurting or need breakthrough, they look everywhere but the church, because the message of being an overcomer has given way to the message of coping.

Jesus did not die so you could get by. He died so you be free. That’s the Gospel.

In the book of Galatians, Paul speaks with great strength about apostolic authority and the essence of the message of Jesus. It’s a message worth focusing on.

Join us! Sunday mornings at The Bridge, 10:30am - meeting at The Culture House in Olathe!


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Reaping the whirlwind