Who He Really Is


I’m always amused when secular writers - most often magazine journalists - write articles or books about discovering the real Jesus.  

In the last few years, National Geographic, Time, Smithsonian Magazine and, most recently, Popular Mechanics have all done major stories promising to reveal the real Jesus. Ironically, most of them started by throwing out scripture completely or holding it in highest suspicion, even though it’s the most thorough account of the life of Christ.

This would be like someone wanting to write your life story but refusing to speak to your family or friends because they’re so close to you that they can’t possibly be trusted to speak the truth.

The Bible is the most authoritative picture of Jesus that we have, and it paints a picture that we will ponder for eternity - one of God who became a man in order that all men and women could know God. Throughout history, the church has wrestled with this idea of Jesus being fully God and fully man. It’s an important concept and without embracing it, we never begin to appreciate Him.

If I can ask you to resist turning to Popular Mechanics for questions regarding the nature of Jesus for a few days, this Sunday we’re going to talk about why it is important in relation to testing the spirits around us. Hope to see you on Zoom!



Sunday, Oct 25, 2020


Sunday, Oct 18, 2020